Dr. Woo can provide treatment of the following:
- Acute and chronic laryngitis, reflux laryngitis, and allergic laryngitis
- Assessment for restoration of voice and swallow after radiation, trauma, and cancer surgery
- Chronic cough and laryngopharyngeal reflux laryngitis
- Diagnosis and minimally invasive intervention for laryngeal cancer
- Ear, nose, and throat problems of the professional singer and voice user.
- Evaluation and management of vocal fold paralysis
- Laryngeal and tracheal stenosis (narrowing of the airway)
- Muscular tension dysphonia and functional voice disorders
- Polyps, nodules and other benign vocal fold lesions causing hoarse voice
- Swallowing problems due to Zenker’s diverticulum and cricopharyngeal bar
- Voice and swallow dysfunction due to neurological disease (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, laryngeal paralysis)
Dr. Woo provides the following IN-OFFICE services and procedures at 300 Central Park West:
- Examination of the vibrations of the vocal folds with Videostroboscopy
- Functional endoscopic evaluation of swallow (FEES)
- High Speed video imaging of vocal fold function
- Injection of botulinum toxin to the muscles of the throat and larynx for the treatment of adductor and abductor spasmodic dysphonia
- In-office biopsy of malignant or pre-malignant lesions
- In-office injections to treat vocal fold paralysis
- In-office injections to treat vocal fold scar
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to treat vocal fold trauma, scar, and atrophy
- Office-based KTP laser treatment of polyp, scar, papilloma, or other benign and pre-malignant growths of the vocal fold
- Trans-nasal esophagoscopy and biopsy of esophageal lesions
- Voice rehabilitation by tracheal-esophageal puncture